Meet the darling of dairy free desserts
In the dark ages before plant-based yoghurt existed, people who couldn’t digest lactose stayed home crying into bowls of dry granola while their mates went out for ice cream. COYO changed all that. This range of silky smooth dairy alternatives makes everyone happy, whether you’re a fan of cows or coconuts. COYO has been dominating the alternative dairy space for years with their uncompromising approach to flavour, ethics and traditional processes like culturing with live probiotics. They’re the original, the best, and never stop producing mouthwatering newbies like their recent addition of vanilla bean custard.
✓ FIRST ON THE SCENE – Way back in 2010, COYO claimed the title of first organic coconut yoghurt to market and has won a stack of awards since. At this point, they’re synonymous with dairy-free yoghurt and are shopper’s top pick.
✓ UNBEATABLE CREAMINESS – A lot of other DF products use fillers and water to cut costs but not COYO who put coconut milk and cream first to create the thick, silky texture people know and love.
✓ AUSTRALIAN MADE & OWNED – Seeing Aussie brands succeed makes us smile, and COYO – crafted in small batches on the Sunny Coast – is a true homegrown hero.
✓ GUARANTEED GLUTEN FREE – A point of difference for COYO is NATA testing for traces of gluten and allergens, assuring safety for sensitive eaters and a powerful display of commitment to consumers at large.