Cosmically delicious west coast cold brew.
Once you’ve experienced the rich and radiant personality of cold brew, it’s hard to go back to hot bitter black water. Cold Matter means you don’t have to. These coffee nerds/wizards/saints from Perth source specialty beans, roast them in a boutique parlour and lovingly coax out the flavours over long periods of time.
Their oat milk is regenerative, their packaging design is inspired, and their iced teas are just as enchanting. It might be the cold-extracted caffeine talking, but we could marry this stuff.
✓ ON TREND – Dairy free iced lattes and cold brews are pouring from cafes but conspicuously absent from retail fridges. Cold Matter’s Oat Milk Cold Brew, in particular, is a long-awaited alternative.
✓ FAST GROWING CATEGORY – Iced tea sales are soaring as consumers seek healthier alternatives to syrupy sweet mainstream brands. Cold Matter and associates are the Next Big Thing.
✓ STANDOUT PACKAGING – A come hither eye gazes out from each bottle of Cold Matter, the focal point of an incredible branding suite from Studio Papa. This packaging absolutely, utterly,
categorically rocks.
✓ SPECIALITY PRODUCT – With just six products in the range, Cold Matter does what it does with aplomb, and is all the more memorable for it.