Snap, crackle and pop pop popular single serve treats.
Uncontrollable Snackery strikes the best of us, but thanks to Boodles, it doesn’t have to come with Unbridled Guilt. These bite-sized clusters taste like chocolate crackles from childhood, with 50% less sugar, zero gluten and the vegan stamp of approval. They’re made from whole grains and seeds smothered in creamy chocolate, by an acclaimed family farm in Central Victoria. And for one more oh snap, their widespread availability means that shoppers come looking specifically for their Boodles fix.
✓ GREAT VALUE – At 90 grams a bag, Boodles feels weighty and generous for its price point.
✓ BRAND VISIBILITY – Springhill Farm, where Boodles are born, has a solid reputation for tasty and ethical treats, famously seen at 38 000 feet with Virgin and Qantas, and on major supermarket shelves.
✓ UNTAPPED NICHE – Boodles occupy that appealing niche between chocolate bars and bliss balls; not too sugar-laced,not too straight-laced, juuuust right.
✓ FAST GROWING CATEGORY - Do you know how hard it is to find 'milk' chocolate snacks that are dairy free and vegan? Praise be Boodles.